
SMAAKLIK, a work of art on Ghent's Centrumplein

The artwork SMAAKLIK by South African artist Ismail Farouk was installed in spring 2015 on the recently opened Centrumplein in Ledeberg (Hundelgemsesteenweg 125, 9050 Ledeberg).
The work is made up of several concrete blocks of varying heights, which together form the word SMAAKLIK, the equivalent of "Bon appétit" in Afrikaans.

Contemporary South African art

The work was produced by the City of Ghent in collaboration with Africalia. The artist Ismail Farouk, who has already carried out a number of socio-artistic projects in Johannesburg, visited Ledeberg several times to get to know the neighbourhood, its associations and its inhabitants.

Temporarily installed in the Kleurdoos playground

Because the redevelopment of Centrumplein was delayed, the work was first installed in the playground of Jenaplan De Kleurdoos primary school, where it provided an interesting game. During the 2014/2015 school year, the sculpture served as the basis for a North-South educational project, in collaboration with a South African school.

(Translation of the text from the city of Ghent:

An article on SMAAKLIK in MO*.

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