About Africalia

Creativity is a solid foundation for a new African economy. Art, culture and creativity are fundamental to the lives of communities and individuals.

Culture is what makes us human. It is a fundamental right. Creativity and imagination allow us to emancipate and liberate ourselves. Participating in culture is as essential as water for people and stimulates global change, both social and political. Creativity is not a luxury, it is an inexhaustible, non-polluting, peaceful resource that creates dignified and sustainable jobs.

Since 2001, we have been working with artists and cultural organisations active in various contemporary artistic disciplines: audiovisual, performing arts, literature and visual arts. Our mission is to support, collaborate, structure and network these creators in order to include culture and creativity at the centre of economic innovation and social transformation in Africa. We also mobilise the Belgian cultural sector to raise public awareness of African creativity.


Africalia considers culture to be both the foundation and the goal of human development. The sustainable well-being, both material and immaterial, of individuals and communities is intrinsically linked to their active participation in their own culture and to their ability to exchange with those of others.


Africalia's mission is to contribute to the recognition of culture as a key sector of development cooperation, as a vector for sustainable and inclusive human development, and as an area where international solidarity between communities and individuals can be expressed in a creative and enriching way.

Because, unlike the exploitation of natural resources in the soil and subsoil, the use of cultural resources is unlimited and non-polluting. The production and dissemination of cultural goods and services are considerable economic levers for the economies of the South and the fight against poverty.

Because, by creating filmed, danced, sung ... stories that speak to the times, artists, creators and authors play a crucial role for freedom of expression and in the democratic debate. A dynamic cultural sector is an important indicator of the vitality and independence of a country's civil society.

Because cultural and artistic practices enable people to acquire knowledge and skills outside the classroom and thereby complement and reinforce education, teaching, and research. The knowledge and skills that come from mastering an artistic discipline will benefit people all their lives.

Because the way men and women behave towards each other and towards their environment is profoundly linked to their culture. Taking the cultural dimension into account is crucial to transforming mentalities and to the ability of any human society to change.

Because art and creativity value individual identity, promote cultural diversity, and encourage the dialogue between cultures. They are vectors for peace and mutual understanding between communities.

The Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity (2001) and the Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions (2005), ratified by over a hundred countries, underline the importance of the role of culture for development. However, these declarations are rarely translated into policies that support the countries of the South. Similarly, few actions likely to produce tangible and lasting effects for creative professionals and their audiences are put in place in consultation with cultural players in the field, whether in the North or the South.

To accomplish its mission, Africalia collaborates with and reinforces multiple African, Belgian and international operators, organisations, and networks.

In its partner countries, Africalia implements work programmes designed and managed with cultural and creative actors (among which cultural associations and enterprises) that are firmly rooted in their country's civil society. These actors will thus be able to play a role in national development policies and actions, and can ensure that the economic, social and educational potential of the creative sector is exploited for the benefit of the people. Africalia thereby aspires to contribute to an inclusive and equitable socio-economic development and to sustainable economic growth in its partner countries.

In Belgium, in the context of a global citizenship and solidarity education programme, Africalia aims to further promote African and Afrodescendant cultural expressions within the Belgian cultural network in close collaboration with cultural institutions.

Key figures

In 2025, Africalia's support will be evident in the areas of cultural employment, training, access and participation for all in cultural life in 6 partner countries.

Number of people reached by partner activities
Number of certified people trained during the year
Annual number of cultural players from each country incubated by the partners
