Afrique Créative in a few words
This programme is financed by AFD and implemented by a consortium formed by Africalia, Investisseurs & Partenaires (I&P), Zhu Culture and Bayimba Foundation aims to encourage the structuring of the cultural and creative ecosystem by supporting the development, skills enhancement and networking of companies in the cultural and creative sector in Africa. Afrique Créative is aimed at operators who combine creativity and entrepreneurial drive to maximise their potential in terms of job creation and economic growth.

Afrique Créative in practice
In 2019a first call for applications supported 9 entrepreneurs from 4 countries (Burkina Faso, Morocco, Uganda and Senegal) from September 2019 to October 2021. These projects have been allocated between €75,000 and €125,000 for technical and financial support.
In April 2021AFD has renewed its confidence in the consortium implementing this programme, which has made it possible to launch a new project. second call for applications in 9 countries. (Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, Senegal, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, Morocco, Tunisia).
At the end of the application period, 17 entrepreneurs were selected to take part in the pre-incubation phase. This 12-week phase enabled the entrepreneurs to benefit from support in areas such as :
- (Re)structuring their business models
- Establish their scale-up strategy and define their acceleration objectives
- Rework their acceleration project and the funding application submitted to Afrique Créative
- Work on the financial projections for this acceleration project
- Prepare to pitch their acceleration project to the final jury.
8 contractors were winners during this period. Discover them here !
Update 2023call for entries for the 3rd edition of the programme Creative Africa was launched from 19 October to 15 November 2023.
For further information: www.afriquecreative.fr
Facebook : www.facebook.com/afriquecreative