3 Sieves



General objective
support citizenship education, peace initiatives and human relations training.
Specific objectives

  • to accompany and support the work of organising and training civil society and NGOs
  • collaborate with the national and international media and arts to exchange products, services and experience
  • promote South Kivu and DR Congo through their cultural and tourist heritage and their economic and social potential
  • training in institutional and social communication using ICT
  • promote entrepreneurship among young people and support them in taking on responsibilities in society.


3 Sieve answers

  • the lack of images and modern technology
  • the lack of memory and archives
  • in the absence of positive images other than those of poverty, war, rape...
  • high-quality images and productions
  • the absence of professional cultural structures and spaces
  • to the scarcity of local production / production serving sustainable development
  • the lack of a business incubator for young people
  • the lack of audiovisual media coverage due to the lack of permanent electrical power
  • to villages and people forgotten by the media and the digital divide...

Main activities carried out

  • More 500 reports, documentaries, dramas and video clips broadcast on local TV,
    TV5, RTBF and mobile digital cinema (560 outdoor screenings).
  • Support for Belgian trainees in audiovisual communication and socio-cultural activities (Université de Liège, Hautes Ecoles Wallonnes, Université de Sorbonne, etc.).

Franck Badesire Mweze
Coordinator of 3TAMIS
troistamis@yahoo.fr www.3tamis.org
+243 99 33 64 998 , 084 70 91 111


22, Avenue de la Résidence - Ibanda, Bukavu - Democratic Republic of Congo.

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