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- 1000 Brussels
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CopyLeft Africalia 2017 | Graphics & Skeleton Banlieues asbl
Over the years Africalia has built up significant expertise in cultural cooperation. It makes this know-how available to its partners.
The intervention logic of the new 2022-2026 multiannual programme in African countries is based on 6 results, including (1) strengthening the governance of associations and the networking of cultural players, (2)le plea to convince public authorities to provide more funding for cultural initiatives aimed at developing CCIs, (3) professionalising skills, (4) the production of high-quality cultural and artistic worksa plus (5) wide distribution of works, and finally (6) the ability to generate income.
Africalia sees cooperation as a long-term commitment to its partners, rather than as financial support for one-off cultural activities (festivals, shows, exhibitions). The partnership is based on in-depth knowledge, built up over several years, of the assets, strengths and weaknesses of each partner organisation, as well as the pooling of resources and skills in pursuit of a shared long-term objective.