Enabel Burkina Programme: Creativity for Development

Creativity for Development. C4D

The general objective of the bilateral cooperation programme is to contribute to the economic development, social, inclusive and sustainable of the Centre-East region. Nevertheless, it was noted that achieving this objective requires first and foremost maintaining political and security stability in the region and sub-region. Indeed, these regions are exposed to particular forms of crime such as armed robbery, drug trafficking, drug use by young people and cross-border crime. The Centre-East region is also faced with inter- and intra-community conflicts (farmer/breeder conflicts; land disputes; conflicts relating to customary chieftaincy).

In line with Africalia's multi-annual programme, which places culture at the heart of human development and makes it a distinctive feature of human communities, Africalia uses communication through creativity as a lever for development, with the aim of bringing about changes in the behaviour of target populations or audiences. Theuse of cultural practices such as theatre, radio, photography and audiovisual media, can be used as a means of communication to help people take ownership of development programmes. The key to success lies in the ease of access and the inclusive nature of the approach.

In March 2021, the cooperation programme got underway. Firstly, a workshop was initiated in the Kouritenga province in Kouela. It was intended for the raising awareness among young people to prevent crime and drug abuse. This activity included a training phase for local artists, a production phase and the creation of a puppet show on 2 themes. One on " Children's rights and duties in crisis situations "and the other on combating drug use in schools" . The activity involved 8 puppeteers, under the direction of Athanase KABREL

In Tenkodogoin the Boulgou province2 activities were carried out and made available to the public in the region's 3 provinces, with a roadshow for each activity. The first activity involved the creation of a theatre and debate show (19 March 2021 to 05 May), which will enable the people of the Centre-East region to gain confidence in the defence and security forces. This activity was carried out by a dozen actors under the direction of Nongdo OUEDRAOGOdirector.

The second activity focused on the creation of a comedy show (from 15 April to 22 May); it involved 4 professional comedians and 6 young people from upstream training courses, under the direction of Jean-Aimé BAYALA. img_20210505_162500.jpg

At Koupela in the province of Kouritenga2 activities were also launched:

Forum theatre (from 22 March to 07 May) aimed at increasing women's leadership, girls' education, entrepreneurship and women's participation in political decision-making. This theatre is run by a dozen actors under the direction of Lambert ZABREdirector.

The following projects are in progress :

In TenkodogoThese included the production of a storytelling show about promoting social cohesion, living together, inclusion, tolerance and sharing. Finally, humour was also used as a lever to captivate the population and alert them to the problem of anti-social behaviour.

In Ouargaye (in the province of Koulpelogo), the production of a slam show on the promotion of youth entrepreneurship and the contribution of young people to local and national development.

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