
COPRODAC is a young platform that brings together structures and production companies from the public and private sectors and civil society to develop the audiovisual and film industries in Burundi.

This association brings together various Burundian cultural players whose aim is to professionalise their sector and contribute to the development of the cultural economy. Based in Bujumbura, the association aims to promote the audiovisual and film industry in Burundi by coordinating, mobilising, supporting, organising and structuring the sector.

In addition, COPRODAC aims to strengthen the skills of players by implementing a training plan in the technical, artistic and managerial fields; diversifying and increasing the sector's financial resources; making quality equipment more accessible to professionals and facilitating access by the general public to audiovisual and cinematographic productions.

Programme 2015-2016 Africalia is supporting COPRODAC in its institutional development and management, in strengthening its administrative and financial management skills and in lobbying public authorities to take account of the sector's needs; in technical training (sound, image, etc.) and artistic training (writing, directing, etc.); in cultural decentralisation through the establishment of a CNA-Burundi with the help of Africalia. NAC-AfricaAfricalia's partner.


COPRODAC: advocacy and action for training by Natacha Songore

Towards a new cultural policy in Burundi by Natacha Songore


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