The name FESFOP (Festival International de Folklore et de Percussion) covers both the annual festival and ongoing socio-cultural activities. The FESFOP, based in Louga, aims to: make culture accessible to the population; strengthen cultural identity; promote inter-culturality, artists and their creations and the decentralisation of cultural action. FESFOP encourages cooperation and partnerships between local authorities, civil society associations, non-governmental organisations and cultural players.

Every year, the FESFOP Festival offers cultural, craft, folk, social, environmental, tourist and sporting activities (traditional wrestling matches).

FESFOP also runs a number of activities throughout the year, including a web radio station; a percussion museum; percussion training courses; a botanical garden; cultural and solidarity tourism; and activities at the Fesfop Village, which also includes accommodation and catering facilities. These cultural, tourist and economic initiatives are helping to develop the Louga region.

Programme 2017-2019: Africalia supports the strengthening of associative, administrative and financial management; training for cultural players in Louga; the marketing of young cultural entrepreneurs via an incubator and decentralised distribution in the Louga region.


00221 33 967 43 79

Website : www.fesfop.org
Facebook : www.facebook.com/fesfop.louga


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