Cinetoile's main aim is to encourage the promotion and distribution of African films in Africa.

The project, created by Africalia and funded by the European Commission, ran for 3 years from 2009 to 2011. Its aim was to highlight important works of African cinema, establishing them as cultural heritage resources and tools for dialogue between populations.

Cinetoile's objectives were as follows:

  • Strengthen the long-term capacity of local players by enabling them and their partners to reach an ever-growing audience, more specifically by using travelling cinema;
  • To raise the awareness of target audiences who are socially, economically and geographically disadvantaged through access to the expression and content of films from different African countries;
  • To raise the awareness of cultural professionals about the problems of distributing African films on the continent and the action taken by Cinetoile.

The development of the Cinetoile project was based on a network of partners. The partners come from several regions of the continent and actively support African cinema. They complement each other through the diversity of their resources and cultures.

The partners have joined forces to draw up a global plan for screening African films, and together have developed a series of activities, seminars and meetings.

Download the project presentation brochure



South Africa - Red Flag

Burkina Faso - Ambulant Digital Cinema (CNA)

Kenya - Lola Kenya Screen

Mali - Ambulant Digital Cinema (CNA)

Uganda - Amakula Kampala Cultural Foundation

RD Congo - Studio Malembe Maa

Tanzania - Zanzibar International Film Festival (ZIFF)

Zimbabwe - International Video Fair Trust (IVFT)

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