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Consultation workshop: cultural infrastructures

Consultation workshop: "What cultural infrastructure for the city of Bujumbura?


phx-00012901.jpg Through round tables, group work and a plenary session, the discussions over the two days of workshops focused on four major themes:

  • the genesis of the creation of an artistic and cultural venue: towards the definition of a position
  • programming an artistic and cultural venue: proposed activities for a future venue in Bujumbura
  • the type of governance: what administrative and financial management of a potential cultural venue?
  • the design of a cultural venue: how to combine the different uses of the space.

During these round tables, interaction with the participants raised concerns and gathered contributions, particularly on the process and methods of creating infrastructures, management methods, and the importance of formulating a vision shared by the stakeholders.

Kira Claude Guingané, Director of l'Espace Culturel Gambidi (Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso), pointed out that "the power of desire in the success of a cultural infrastructure project (80% ) is far more important than financial resources (20% )".

"To build a community, you have to start with what the community already knows and introduce innovations gradually. In Burundi, for example, we have to start with the Burundian drum," emphasised Marwane FACHANE, Managing Director of the Burundi Drum Association. HIBA Foundation - (Rabat, Morocco)".

phx-000129003.jpg For Dida Nibagwire, Founder of L'Espace (Kigali, Rwanda), "initial difficulties should not prevent us from committing ourselves to a project as important as setting up a cultural infrastructure, in the context of our countries".

Several examples of synergies and complementarities between cultural space and artistic programming were raised during the discussions.

Alain Amrah Horutanga, Manager of the cultural centre Izuba Center (Bujumbura, Burundi), pointed out that various groups are requesting space for their activities, enabling the centre to offer a richer and more regular programme.

Freddy Sabimbona, Director of Espace Buja sans Tabou (BST) and founder of a theatre festival in Burundi, spoke of his experience in training and creation, using the example of shows on the history of the four districts of Bujumbura.

Thinking about the creation of a cultural venue also means asking questions about its architecture and design. In this final round table, models for the construction of cultural venues were explored to inspire the cultural infrastructure project in the city of Bujumbura.

Mr Khalid Tamer, Theatre Director Lavoir Moderne ParisienFounder d'Africapitales ; pointed out that the importance of design and the creation of a brand should both be an objective for cultural operators.

The implementation of the roadmap, the reinforcement of the commitment of all Burundian cultural operators to share a common vision with a view to the creation of the cultural infrastructure, the affirmation of the availability of cultural operators to facilitate the carrying out of a feasibility study to confirm the forms of status existing in Burundi, the operating models and the proposed modes of financing, as well as the organisation of a methodological workshop with a view to formulating the project for the creation of the cultural infrastructure in Bujumbura, these are the resolutions and recommendations on which the two-day workshop ended.

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