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Pingdwinde Paul Zoungrana

Pingdwinde Paul Zoungrana

Burkina Faso - Theatre & Storytelling

The artist

A few words about your artistic career

As a director, actor and storyteller, I'm a versatile artist who brings several disciplines together in my artistic practice. My creations include, among others, Storytelling for cohesion and peace, The word of a mute, Parachuting, Archives Speak, Macbeth... I now run the Institut de Recherche Theatrale du Burkina (IRTB).

How long have you been an artist?

I took my first steps in art in 1999-2000.

**Why did you apply for this scholarship? How will the scholarship support you?

This grant will enable me to carry out an artistic project that is close to my heart at a time when everything is on hold. It is an opportunity to continue, to resist, to dream and to contribute to building a better world.

What are your concrete artistic objectives after this residency?

Producing a 25-30 minute audio show capsule of proverbs, promoting a return to sources and traditions to nurture the modern world and enhance Burkina Faso's intangible heritage.

His residence

What did you achieve during this creative residency? What is the result (work created)? Who was involved in the creative process?

  1. A research phase to collect the proverbs took place from 6 to 19 July 2020. Proverbs were collected in 3 locations in Burkina Faso: Ougadougou, Yako and Ouahigouya. A number of leading figures from the world of culture and wise men and women who are custodians of traditional heritage were approached over the two weeks. They included His Excellency the Bendnaaba of the old sage Lassane Sawadogo, Hilaire Nana, Souley Kientega, Ernest Larba Ouédraogo and others.
  2. A dramaturgy phase that involved translating and creating a dramaturgy that links the proverbs into segments of meaning! This phase took place from 21 to 31 July 2020.
  3. A musical creation and capsule design phase was a moment of encounter and artistic creation between the storytelling actor Paul P. Zoungrana and the musician David P. Zoungrana. This phase took place from 3 to 11 August 2020.
  4. The audio capsule is then recorded, edited and broadcast. The broadcast phase officially starts on 1 September on radio stations and social networks.

How do you think these activities help us to think about the world today, in relation to the COVID-19 crisis, and/or about building for the future?

This capsule helps to create an inclusive social debate in Burkina and to promote a culture of peace and cohesion between different communities. Yengré/Racine draws its stories from ancient substances that speak to all social strata. It has been designed in two languages to appeal to both the rural and urban populations of Burkina. It conveys messages such as a return to one's roots, forgiveness, love, unity, tolerance and the protection of others.

How did you feel during the residency? And afterwards?

I'm leaving this residency with a feeling of satisfaction. What's more, it has given me the ambition to continue this work and later put on a stage show made up entirely of proverbs. The research was very enriching and it broadened my horizons and my perception of the proverbial word. I realised that there was an urgent need to preserve this memory, which is tending to disappear as the elderly people who hold this rich heritage pass away.
We were able to carry out this project as we had hoped. We also collected other words and stories that could one day serve as repertoire for other artistic creations.
The main difficulty has been finding the right people and matching their availability. During the winter season, it's more time to work in the fields than to talk. So we had to adapt: accompanying them in their fields during the day and collecting proverbs at night or in the afternoon.

His work


Yĕgré - Racine


Sokre la bangré

Seeding the word

Rekindling the stars of peace


Living for others

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