

logo_ishyoIshyo Arts Centre is a platform for artists, cultural entrepreneurs and art lovers... in short, Kigali's cultural hub!

Ishyo was founded in 2005 by eight Rwandan women who wanted to put art and culture back at the heart of the social and political concerns, cities, hearts and minds of Rwanda. It is a non-governmental organisation whose main objectives are to develop and strengthen the artistic and organisational skills of players in the sector, democratise access to culture, and promote freedom of creative expression and cultural diversity in Rwanda and the sub-region.

Since its creation, Ishyo has been promoting contemporary and traditional Rwandan, African and international culture by: supporting the most innovative artists in the fields of literature, dance, music, comedy, poetry and theatre; promoting research into different artistic forms and practices; strengthening advocacy and networking for the development of new interdisciplinary and inter-institutional synergies; and encouraging the active participation of the entire population, without discrimination, in all forms of cultural activities and projects.

The many projects carried out by the organisation include :

  • The 3B project: Rwanda's first mobile library,
  • Ishyo Arts Centre: Rwanda's first arts centre offering residencies, training and a regular, varied artistic programme
  • Kina Festival: the first international performing arts festival for young audiences
  • Espace Madiba: a new library devoted entirely to African and Caribbean literature, with literary cafés, writing workshops and more.

Programme 2015-2016 Africalia: Africalia supports the strengthening of associative, administrative and financial management; technical training for cultural players in Rwanda and advocacy to ensure that the needs of the sector are taken into account by the public authorities.

The partnership with Ishyo Art Center ended at the end of 2018

info@ishyoartscentre.orgFacebook: ishyoartscentre
Twitter: ishyoarts


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