In the face of the health crisis, our partners are showing their inventiveness

In the face of the health crisis, our partners are showing their inventiveness

Photo: "Masa Caroleen" by Music Crossroads, represented at TAG2020

In Zimbabwe, Afrikera Arts Trust organised the TAG2020 on 29 and 30 October 2020. TAG stands for The Arts Gatheringwas a mixture of performances and discussions hybrids In other words, both in front of a small audience - while respecting health measures - and broadcast live online. From traditional and contemporary dance to percussion concerts, exciting debates on the artist's profession in 2020 and film screenings, these two days ofactivities as rich as they are varied were orchestrated by Soukaïna Edom's fantastic team. See all the posters and videos on the Afrikera Facebook

creative-platforms_across-the-continent.jpg Our Ugandan partner Bayimba has decided to hold the seventh edition of the Kampala International Theatre Festival fully online on 23 and 24 November. Every year, this platform, co-organised with the Tebere Arts Foundation, aims to develop the professional side of the theatrical world. In 2020, the physical edition was replaced by virtual events. Firstly, a debate with renowned speakers on creative and disruptive platforms in Africa. Secondly, a broadcast of archive images from the festival on social networks, which served as a reminder of the power of theatre for the future. freedom of expression. The screening was followed by an online question and answer session. You'll find all the info here.


This was also the choice of the Congolese group TACCEMS which organised 100% for the tenth edition of the festival NGOMAfrom 20 to 27 September, digitally. Two strategies were put in place. To begin with, live shows and concerts were put on. products with companies and orchestras in Kisangani. In a second phase, TACCEMS collaborated with local TV channels to present shows by its partner companies in other towns in the DRC. Thanks to the association's efforts, the videos of the shows were able to be simultaneously on all partner channels.

covid_web_17-768x512.jpgOther organisations have decided to use art to raise awareness to barrier gestures. This is the case in the Democratic Republic of Congo, with 3TAMIS, which is targeting a lifelong civic education thanks to its cultural and audiovisual activities. Since September, the organisation has been producing ten video vignettes which it is broadcasting on social networks and its website to raise public awareness of the right social behaviour to adopt during the pandemic. The videos are in Swahili and take a different angle. humorous similar to that of the comedians at the Bukavu Comedy Club. Discover all the videos here.


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