CREATIVITY IS LIFE" AWARDS: Discover the works created by the 50 winners

Discover the works created by the 50 winners

June 2020, 50 artists from 7 African countries have been awarded a 1,500 bursary following an appeal launched by Africalia. The grant was used by the winners to carry out artistic projects based on the themes of "Here and Now" and "The World of Tomorrow", during a 2-month creative residency in their own homes.

We invite you to discover these works in three rooms:

The opening of each room was accompanied by a talk broadcast on the Africalia Facebook page :

  • Expo broadcast on 9 October 2020

During this session, Israël Tshipamba Mouckounay, artistic director of Tarmac des Auteurs (DRC), talks to Ina Makosi (Senegal), Antony Mutshipule and Isaac Sahani (DRC) about their work.

  • Performing arts broadcast on 16 October
    During this session, Marie-Laure "Soukaïna" Edom, Director of the Afrikera Art Trust (Zimbabwe) will be talking to Paul ZOUNGRANA (Burkina Faso), Christine Moukendi Misenga (Kenya), Evon (Uganda) & Abdoul Mujyambere (Rwanda) about their work.

  • Multimedia broadcast on 23 October
    During this session, Muthoni Gathecha, HR and Administration Manager for Creatives Garage (Kenya) talks to Cissy Nalumansi (Uganda), Rodney Masanga (Zimbabwe) and Chief Nyaweya (Kenya) about their work.

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