Rue du Congrès 13
1000 Brussels
Tel: +32 2 412 58 80
Business number: 0474.198.059 | IBAN: BE47 3101 8017 6980
CopyLeft Africalia 2017 | Graphics & Skeleton Banlieues asbl
Through its cultural cooperation activities on the African continent, Africalia aims to empower its partners socio-economically as a lever for various social impacts (peace, democracy, gender equality, environment).
In a spirit of partnership, empowerment is reflected in multi-year programmes known as PPAs, financed by the Directorate General for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid (DGD), which focus on 6 areas: (1) advocacy (2) good governance and networking of cultural players (3) professionalisation of skills (4) production of quality cultural and artistic works (5) wider dissemination of works and (6) improved income-generating capacity.
Africalia sees its cooperation as a long-term commitment to its partners and not as financial support for one-off cultural activities (festivals, shows, exhibitions). In this sense, the partnership is based on in-depth knowledge, built up over several years, of the assets, strengths and weaknesses of each partner organisation, as well as the pooling of resources and skills in pursuit of a shared long-term objective.
Africalia's Belgium programme dedicated to education for global citizenship and solidarity (ECMS) aims to support new cultural dynamics and help our societies adapt to the cultural mix that defines our relationship with the world today.
Africalia also runs a whole series of initiatives and projects funded by Enabel, the European Union and the French Development Agency (AFD), as well as projects in collaboration with various partners in Belgium, Europe and sub-Saharan Africa.