Cartel - recreâtrales
Cartel - recreâtrales

The Fédération du Cartel is a joint administrative and management structure set up by five Burkinabe theatre companies: Compagnie Falinga, Théâtre Evasion, Théâtre Eclair, Association Grâce Théâtre du Burkina and Compagnie du Fil. For several years, these companies have been developing joint projects alongside their own, which has led to growing needs in the areas of administration, monitoring and project management, hence the need to centralise these tasks.

Cartel is behind a whole series of large-scale activities that have a tangible economic impact on urban and rural areas. These include the Nuits Internationales de la Plaisanterie, the Festival Jeune Public and above all the Récréâtrales. The Récréâtrales are pan-African theatrical writing, creation and training residencies organised by the five Cartel companies.

Programme 2017-2021: Africalia supports the strengthening of associative, administrative and financial management, professionalisation through training in the sector and the marketing of productions through the Cartel's large-scale activities.

Programme 2022-2026 : Africalia assists and supports the organisation in (1) strengthening associative governance and networking cultural players, (2) advocacy, (3) professionalising skills, (4) producing quality cultural and artistic works, (5) disseminating works more widely and (6) generating income.

Cartel - récréâtrales 2
Cartel - récréâtrales 2


The Cartel Federation
04 BP 694 Ouagadougou 04

00226 25 34 40 09

Website : www.lecartel.net
Facebook : www.facebook.com/federationducartel


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