Call for proposals to support cultural projects in Nairobi County, Kenya 

Kenya is said to be one of the most crucial economic and creative economy hubs in East Africa. The country's creative sector is vibrant and bursting with talent, with a bustling young creative scene. However, this despite potential, the creative sector in Kenya is facing challenges related to limited investments and commercialization of cultural and artistic creations, among other things.  

Within its multi-year programme in Kenya, Africalia supports a set of cultural actors and stakeholders who are an integral part of their country's civil society and work in various artistic and creative fields. These actors are called “creators of change” and include cultural and creative enterprises and organizations, cultural training institutions, cultural incubators, and groups of individual artists brought together under cultural and creative umbrella organizations. 

Therefore, the present call for proposal was designed to help strengthen the cultural and creative ecosystem in Nairobi County by offering diversified cultural goods and strengthening local distribution capacities. As a result, the visibility and creativity of Kenyan artists and their works will be enhanced. 

The objectives of this call for proposals are: 

  • to strengthen local distribution capacities for cultural and creative goods and services, 
  • to increase the visibility of Kenyan creativity (artists and works), 
  • to strengthen the networking of Kenyan cultural professionals. 

Maximum budget of twenty thousand euros (20,000 €) 

Target group and eligibility criteria

This call for proposals is aimed exclusively at legal entities headquartered in Nairobi County that operate in the cultural and creative industries sector.  

The following types of projects are eligible

  • Festivals (music festivals, film festivals, dance festivals); 
  • Circulation of cultural works and content (traveling exhibitions, tours, etc.); 
  • Development of online distribution and websites designed to increase the value of works (audiovisual, fashion, design, crafts, visual arts, etc.). 

These projects are eligible if, and only if, their dissemination activities target locations other than those where they are usually organized. They must serve other places that do not have easy access to the events at which the cultural and creative goods and services are disseminated, such as neighborhoods/areas on the outskirts of Nairobi.

Eligibility Criteria – Applicants 

  • Be a legal entity; 
  • Be a non-profit organization or cooperative, and be able to prove this through approval or a certificate of recognition issued by the province; 
  • Have notarized statutes proving its existence for at least two years; 
  • Have its head office in Nairobi county; 
  • Carry out cultural activities focusing primarily on the dissemination of cultural works; 
  • Have already managed one or more projects with a budget equivalent to at least 30% of the amount requested under this call for proposals and be able to prove this through activity reports, financial reports and bank statements;  
  • Be responsible for the preparation and management of funded activities; 
  • Have a bank account opened in the name of the organization, and be able to prove this through a bank statement; 
  • Provide a complete application file, including all required annexes, by the specified deadline. 

Only organizations proving their existence for at least two years and able to demonstrate a particular experience in the distribution of cultural goods intended for the general public will be eligible. Applicants will, therefore, be asked to append to their applications reports on previous projects or activities with a budget equivalent to at least 30% of the amount requested under this call for proposals.

Application procedure:

To apply, candidates must complete the Google form for 8th December 2024 at 11:59 pm ((GMT+3) Nairobi time) at the latest. 

An online Q&A session will also be held on the week of the 14th of November 2024 at noon 12:00 pm ((GMT+3) Nairobi Time) via a Zoom session. Please register here to participate.

All questions relating to this call must be sent by 4th December 2024 at the latest by email to the following address:   

➢ Subject of e-mail: Question call for proposal – Kenya  

Please note that no questions will be answered after this date.


  • Call for proposals and information on selection criteria and application procedure: Download the document
  • Complete the application form here
  • View the questions of the application form here
  • Consult the frequently asked questions here
  • List of ineligible expenses here
  • Example of Budget

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