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Le VIERNULVIER is an artistic venue in the heart of Ghent. It is a central platform within a thriving network of artists and organisations from a variety of sectors. Inspired by a world on the move and a vibrant arts sector, VIERNULVIER fosters cross-fertilisation between the arts and Ghent's diverse communities. VIERNULVIER is both a warm meeting place and a laboratory for development, production, presentation, participation and reflection; all rooted in a rich history of innovation and social engagement.

The collaboration between VIERNULVIER and Africalia as part of its programme of education for global citizenship and solidarity is being developed in VIERNULVIER's artistic programmes relating to the performing arts, music, literature, urban workshops and the platform for reflection Think Vooruit. VIERNULVIER would like to invite more new artists from Africa and/or the African diasporas to various activities. In addition, VIERNULVIER is looking with Africalia at the possibility of setting up a network of venues for African performing arts so that the programme can be more widely distributed in Belgium and neighbouring countries.

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