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Precy Numbi

Precy Numbi

RDC - Visual art



A few words about your artistic career

After training in graphic arts and plastic arts at the Beaux-Arts in Kinshasa, I had the opportunity to take part in solo and group exhibitions in the DRC as well as in France, Burkina Faso and Belgium. Since 2016, I have taken part in a number of workshops and completed several residencies. In 2019, I won the Prix Solidarité Laïque at the Ouagadougou International Sculpture Biennial.

How long have you been an artist?

Born in 1992 in Kisangani (DRC), I began my secondary education in 2005 with a course in the plastic arts at the Kinshasa Academy of Fine Arts. After that, I went on to do postgraduate studies in the interior design department. In 2014, I got my Baccalauréat in Graphic Arts and it was there, after my studies at the Académie des Beaux-Arts that I decided to get involved in performance, as a tool to develop my practice. In 2016, I decided to go to Goma to deepen my professional work for a few years.

Why did you apply for this scholarship? How will the scholarship support you?

Although the filmmakers, actors and I are determined to make this project a reality, it will require a certain financial investment. This grant will give us a lot of encouragement, but it will also enable us to carry out a creative residency with disadvantaged children, who will be able to build their own robots and learn about film.

What are your concrete artistic objectives after this residency?

The aim is to put on a wandering performance in disadvantaged neighbourhoods and to make a fictional documentary film about the project.

For me, the Covid-19 crisis is a final warning from nature and the planet. My artistic career already denounced the disruption of our materialistic societies. I feel it is my duty to raise awareness and influence decision-makers so that the world can change.


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