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Michael Chiunda

Michael Chiunda

Zimbabwe - Music & Poetry



A few words about your artistic career

My journey as an artist has not been easy, but in many ways it has been very rewarding. I've been able to help create healing content that allows me to express myself and start conversations in my community. I believe that my content leads to socio-political conversations.

How long have you been an artist?

I've been an artist since 2013 and I release music almost every year.

Why did you apply for this scholarship? How will the scholarship support you?

The grant would enable me to continue creating content at a time when the pandemic is paralysing a lot of artists. I have this dream of talking about current issues around sexuality and other social problems. Without the grant, I would have had to wait until the pandemic was more manageable.

What are your concrete artistic objectives after this residency?

I intend to create platforms for other artists like myself who believe in their responsibility to hold society to account through art.

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