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Make it Possible

Make it Possible! Tell us about your projects

Tell us about your projects!

Photo credit: Performance by Florent Nikiema as part of the Creativity is Life project / Photographer: Rasca Production - Habibou Kadi Are you a cultural operator? You regularly work on projects related to film and audiovisual, fashion or design, performing arts and music, or visual arts. Active in one of Africalia's priority countries? Your organisation is based in Burkina Faso, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, Kenya, Uganda and Zimbabwe. And pursuing activities that meet the following objectives?
  • Overall objective: To help create a favourable environment for professionals working in the field of culture.
  • Specific objective: Cultural services and products are more conducive to human development and sustainable growth
  • Targeted results:
  1. Initial and continuing training for professionals in the cultural sector is being improved
  2. The means of dissemination and decentralised distribution (outside urban centres and capital cities) have been strengthened
TELL US ABOUT YOUR PROJECTS! As part of its programmes in Africa, financed by various donors including the Belgian Development Cooperation, Africalia forges partnerships with local organisations that carry out activities to achieve the above-mentioned objectives. Africalia occasionally provides ad hoc support for projects over and above that provided by the programme's structural partners, depending on the funds available. Let us know about your projects so that we can consider one-off support or even future collaboration! Find all the information here La closing date to submit a proposal is : 19/03/2021 ! Download the presentation sheet Apply/questions : - Subject: "Project presentation PROJECT NAME- COUNTRY"

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