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Jovitha Songwa

Jovitha Songwa

RDC - Theatre & Storytelling



A few words about your artistic career

My career as a multi-talented artist requires a good deal of mastery. Because mastery allows me to move from music to humour, from dance to storytelling. My career path, although a great success, is above all a tree rooted in incessant work.

How long have you been an artist?

Expressing this in 20 words illustrates the 20 years in which my passion has blossomed. While my colleagues were writing on their slates, I was strumming my guitar.

Why did you apply for this scholarship? How will the scholarship support you?

This grant is an expressive springboard that will enable us to say out loud to consumers and fans of the performing arts that the world may be coming to an end, but it won't be coming through Covid.

What are your concrete artistic objectives after this residency?

To use the built environment as a means of reinforcing and restoring the cheerfulness that has been lost to the victims of the crisis.

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