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1. Can a group apply?

A group may apply, but the application must be in the name of a single person. It is then possible to indicate in the application form that the artist will be surrounded by several people. Regardless of the number of people in the applicant's entourage, the amount of the grant will remain the same, i.e. €1,500.

2. Can agencies and managers apply?

The call is reserved for artists. Agencies and managers cannot apply.

3. I don't speak English/French very well, can you explain X?

If something is not clear to you, you can ask us to explain what you don't understand (by e-mail : If you don't understand English or French well, ask someone you know to help you.

4. Can all types of artists apply?

All artists can apply as long as their project meets the selection criteria.

5. Which disciplines are permitted?

All artistic and creative disciplines are permitted as long as the final works can be transmitted and distributed online.

6. Can I apply if I don't have a bank account?

No, you cannot apply if you do not have a bank account in your name.

7. I am a national of one of the countries listed but I live in another country that is not included. Can I apply?

Only applicants resident in the countries listed are eligible. As a reminder, the countries included in the call are : Burkina Faso, Democratic Republic of Congo, Senegal, Rwanda, Kenya, Zimbabwe and Uganda.

8. Is there an age limit for this programme?

No, there is no age limit for applying.

9. Do you have a specific language preference for the project proposed by the artist?

The languages of this programme are English and French. So you need to be able to speak one of them to communicate with us. However, when it comes to the language of your artistic project, it's up to you. You can choose any language you like.

10. How long should the clip showing my experience be and how long should my curriculum vitae be?

There is no specific length for these. We simply want you to show us your experience.

11. Who selects the projects eligible for a grant?

The projects will be selected by the members of the jury. The jury is made up of three English-speaking members and three French-speaking members. The six members of the jury include: two members from the cultural sector on the African continent, one Belgian member of African descent, two members of the Africalia team and one member who is a cultural partner in the Belgium programme.

12. How will projects eligible for a grant be selected?

Projects will be selected on the basis of the eligibility and selection criteria set out in thecall for proposals :

Selection criteria:
1. Creativity of the project (innovation, subject, artistic dimension)
2. Potential for realisation
3. Motivation of the artist

13. I have sent in my application. When will I know if I have been selected?

The Africalia team will announce the official list of selected artists on 30 June via its usual communication channels.

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