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Call for applications for artistic residencies 2020, WIELS, Brussels

Call for applications for artistic residencies 2020

Artists from African countries (Burkina Faso, Kenya, Uganda, Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, Senegal and Zimbabwe) are invited to apply for a 3-month residency at WIELS in Brussels, supported by Africalia. 


Applications must be sent before 1 September 2019 in .PDF format to : Important: the period of residency will be confirmed subject to the granting of a visa. PART ONE: ADMINISTRATIVE DOCUMENTS Administrative documents must include, in the following order: A. REGISTRATION FORM: Download, print and complete the attached registration form (Download file). B. CURRICULUM VITAE: Include your educational background and a list of your exhibitions. C. ARTISTIC APPROACH: In 250 words maximum, describe your work. D. NOTE D'INTENTION : In 250 words maximum, describe your projects, ideas and expectations for the WIELS residency. E. REFERENCES: Give the names, email addresses, telephone numbers and postal addresses of three people who know you professionally and can comment on your recent work and your artistic development. F. LIST OF PICTURES: Attach a numbered list of visuals (see PART TWO). Include the title, date, technique, dimensions and a brief description of the work (maximum 50 words for each image/video). PART TWO: VISUAL DOCUMENTATION Please attach a selection of up to 10 digital images and/or video files to your application. Digital images must be sent by e-mail or shared on file hosting or video sharing sites (e.g. Dropbox, WeTransfer, etc.). Each image must be identified with your surname, first name and its number (example: Smith_John01). Accepted digital format: JPG or PDF Maximum size: A4 / 1000 px Image resolution: 72 DPI For videos: Moving images (time-based media, video art, kinetic art or performance documentation) must be shared on video sharing sites (e.g. YouTube or Vimeo) or file hosting sites (e.g. Dropbox or WeTransfer). Please insert the corresponding link in the list of images (F) in the first part of the folder. Videos of immobile works will not be accepted. For further information, please contact :

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