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Arlette Rhusimane Bashizi

Arlette Rhusimane Bashizi

RDC - Photography


A few words about your artistic career

I'm a documentary photographer and my work shows a positive image of my community, with a focus on social life. Women's and youth issues feature prominently in my photos, with the aim of breaking down the stereotype of victimisation and restoring hope.

How long have you been an artist?

I've been interested in photography since 2017, but I've been a photographer for two years now.

**Why did you apply for this scholarship? How will the scholarship support you?

I'm applying for this grant to share my work with as wide an audience as possible. The project I'm working on has two main objectives: to spread hope and to highlight the achievements of Congolese women, especially during this period of crisis.

What are your concrete artistic objectives after this residency?

Brave du Kivu in praise of the bravery of the people of Kivu.
Badilisha which will confront the image that the West has of Africa and what Africans really are.

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