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Achiro Patricia Olwoch

Achiro Patricia Olwoch

Uganda - Film & Theatre



A few words about your artistic career

My love of storytelling drove me to tell stories in any form. I started writing articles for the newspaper and that developed my love of literally hearing my characters speak and seeing them on screen. So that was the beginning of my writing for radio and the big screen.

How long have you been an artist?

I started writing almost 15 years ago and I've never looked back. .

Why did you apply for this scholarship? How will the scholarship support you?

As the lock-in persisted, even the few jobs I had already confirmed were cancelled and decided they would do things online or not at all. This grant will help to maintain my livelihood while continuing to create.

What are your concrete artistic objectives after this residency?

After this residency, I'd like to produce my short film. I'll be working on developing a treatment and a shootable script during the residency.


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