Culture and creativity are essential components for sustainable human development and are key drivers of the African continent’s future economy.
AFRICALIA actively implements this vision by empowering creative people and organisations, fostering collaboration, supporting growth and connecting them to a wider network.
Through these efforts, AFRICALIA is dedicated to showcasing the transformative power of culture and creativity to drive economic innovation and social progress across Africa.
AFRICALIA works hand in hand with various African, Belgian, and European organizations to reach its objective. In Africa, we implement work programs that are closely tied to the cultural fabric of each country's civil society.
AFRICALIA works with some fifteen organisations and networks in 7 sub-Saharan African countries. Our partners are active in various creative sectors: audiovisual, performing arts, literature and visual arts. Each partnership is based on mutual respect and long-term, sustainable collaboration. Read more on our blog.
AFRICALIA co-produces books and documentaries that highlight African contemporary cultural expressions. Africa is crossed by cultural movements that give the continent a strong identity and creators need to exchange and to gather to nurture this diversity.
In 2023, Africalia's support will be evident in the areas of cultural employment, training, access and participation for all in cultural life in 8 partner countries.
Feel free to contact us with any questions.
+32 2 412 58 80
Rue du Congrès 13 Congresstraat
- 1000 Brussels
Tel:+32 2 412 58 80
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