Six short films were produced by film-loving technicians and actors. The challenge was to produce films of 3 to 5 minutes in 48 hours. The challenge was met despite minor technical problems. This first edition of the Kino enabled us to bring together different interests and talents, and to learn about their strengths and weaknesses. It was also an opportunity to identify areas for improvement and spot new talent.
In addition to bringing together the filmmakers of Bukavu, Kino Bukavu has set itself the goal of offering them opportunities to work together, pooling expertise and technical resources with a view to producing joint projects and introducing the city's cinema to the rest of the world. Sandra Simbakwira's initiative as a filmmaker has been followed by 3TAMIS since 2010, and has benefited from guidance from the Institut Français and artistic and technical support from 3TAMIS on its film programme, backed by Africalia and Belgium's Directorate-General for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid.
From then on, there was every reason to hope that the Kino Bukavu unit would be launched and linked up with the international Kino.
Sandra Simbakwira