A few words about your artistic career
I started writing in primary school and performing in 2010. I began by taking part in poetry slams that turned into group performances, and went on to produce two albums. Later, I started creating fashion costumes from waste, which eventually led to the formation of the ESPA (Environmental Sustainability Promoted by Art) initiative.
How long have you been an artist?
I can remember creating art and writing stories since primary school. Professionally, I started my artistic career in 2011.
Why did you apply for this scholarship? How will the scholarship support you?
I applied for this fellowship because I never imagined how difficult the journey of pregnancy is and being involved during this time deserves to be told. I am able to feel and express the increasing stress and uncertainty for many pregnant women around the world caused by lust. There is little information about how the virus affects pregnant women and their babies and the strict guidelines of social distancing have increased the mental distress of women as they are deprived of support. This grant will help with the production of my work.
What are your concrete artistic objectives after this residency?
My objectives are:
- Artistically expressing pregnancy and reproductive health issues during Covid
- Inspiring hope, sharing doctors' fears and advice in a unique and powerful way
- To create a lasting image and an urgent appeal that will lead to calm, understanding and security for tomorrow.
What did you achieve during this creative residency? What is the result (work created)? Who was involved in the creative process?
I achieved my goal, the most important thing being that I lost myself in the work and found myself again. I managed to produce a poetic visual EP made up of 4 works of art. I recorded four audios, made three videos and created up to ten costumes for the videos. I'm very lucky to come from a creative family and as we were in quarantine together, my mother, a fashion designer, was able to help me with the sewing, my sister helped with two drawings and painted my tummy during the video recording. As a musician, my brother added vocals to the sound. Finally, I also worked with a recording studio called 254 studios CMG and a film crew called 1900 films.
How do you think these activities help us to think about the world today, in relation to the COVID-19 crisis, and/or about building for the future?
I joined two pregnancy support groups on social media to capture their fears, what they were going through, so that I could tell the stories of many women. There are a lot of fears about how to protect yourself from this pandemic while living in a crowded society. My focus was to block out the anxieties of the world and concentrate on the life that is forming within you. I celebrated motherhood, especially now with the increase in unexpected pregnancies and the rise in unsafe abortions. I've also celebrated the babies born during this time, calling them warriors, and defined the world I wish for them tomorrow. My latest work has captured what is happening right now and how people should come together to heal, rather than dying alone because of the changes that are affecting our economy and our lives.
How did you feel during the residency? And afterwards?
The grant gave me a sense of purpose and instead of worrying, I was busy creating. I was constantly thinking of ideas, what I should do now and what I should do next. I've finally finished the work and I have a feeling that pregnant women all over the world will appreciate it. I feel really relaxed to have done something artistic this year, when all hope is gone.
[(To Brighter Days
God's artroom