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Death of Kita-Phambu Pambu

Kita-Phambu Pambu

ob_62f0b1_pambu-kita-phambu.jpgA statistician who has been in charge of prospective studies at ULB since 1986, he worked on issues relating to the modelling of educational structures and systems.

His departure affects many communities for which he was a link: the Congolese community in Belgium, the scientific community and cultural associations.

A member of the General Assembly for many years and Treasurer of Africalia since 2016, Pambu put his talent as a mathematician, teacher and man of cultureS at the service of our association with the enthusiasm that everyone recognised in him. We will miss the intelligence, elegance and rigour tinged with humour that characterised his contributions.

Africalia offers its condolences to his family and friends.

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