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Enabel AWA Days Abidjan

From June 26 to 27, the Awa Days were held, the forum organized by Enabel and which brought together pan-African actors in arts and culture to discuss entrepreneurship and the cultural and creative industries (ICC). The theme of the forum was “Designing a sustainable future, where culture, art and the private sector converge”. The participants were mainly artists, entrepreneurs, representatives of the public, private and financial sectors.

Africalia was present during the Awa Days as a partner of the Awa Prize 2024, a competition which highlights women entrepreneurs from the ICCs and which was open to applications from June 12 to 28.

Drawing on its large network, Africalia supported the organization of the forum by inviting around ten African CCI experts to speak and participate in the panels, but also by offering three training courses for young entrepreneurs. The objective was to contribute to building the capacities of operators and entrepreneurs present at the forum, as well as to promote networking and collaboration opportunities between participants.

The forum closed with a colorful gala evening with concerts, shows and a fashion show.

The training offered by Africalia over the two days of the forum:

  • Training “Building your Creative Business Model” by Sabrina Kamili
  • Training “Intellectual Property and Copyright: Protecting and promoting creations” by Luc Mayitoukou
  • Training “Impact & Gender in ICCs” by Yarri Kamara
  • “Learn to pitch” training by Adélaïde Kourouma

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