Training in Cultural Management in Rwanda

Training in Cultural Management in Rwanda: the programme is launched!

The programme is launched!

After a long period of preparation and adjustment to the constraints of the health crisis, the administration training programme is now up and running. in October 2020 and will end in May 2021. This course brings together 23 Rwandan cultural actors for a series of online sessions, face-to-face workshops, themed meetings and an ambitious programme to support professional mobility. This ambitious professional programme is designed to meet the specific skills required by thecultural administration by combining in-depth knowledge of artistic and cultural issues with strategic management and organisational imperatives.

The training programme will cover various aspects ranging from cultural policies to the economics of culture and the management of cultural projects, while incorporating a digital dimension that is essential today.

The aim of the programme is to achieve significant improvements in structuring and professional level of Rwandan cultural organisations. The specific objectives are to help participants to:

  • Deepen their knowledge of cultural policies and industries, their challenges and mechanisms in Rwanda and Africa;
  • Identify the general issues surrounding aesthetic, political and economic trends, the specific features of the various artistic fields and take on board the changes taking place;
  • Learn to organise teamwork and networking, and encourage partnerships;
  • Strengthen and broaden their management skills and acquire tools for managing cultural projects by striking a balance between artistic, political and economic parameters;
  • Making the most of digital tools to promote access to cultural resources and pave the way for new forms of artistic practice and cultural mediation;
  • Designing analyses and opportunity assessments prior to the technical development of a cultural project and responding coherently and appropriately to calls for projects.

The 23 participants selected to take part in this professional programme are :

  • Isaie KARINDA, Production Manager, theatre
  • Natacha SONGORE, Cultural promoter - Writing residency project
  • Aurore Marie Immaculée IRADUKUNA, Head of Finance at Ishyo Art Center
  • Arnaud KANYANKORE MUCYO, Ibihame By'imana (Art Project)
  • Rodriguez IRAGENA, Storyteller and multimedia content producer at Media Marshals Ltd.
  • Moise IZABIRIZA, Visual Artist.
  • Clement MAHORO, Director of Igisubizo Arts Group (Theatre Company)
  • Emmanuel MUHIRE, Artistic Director (Drama)
  • Geraldine MUHAWENIMANA, Crafts and Cultural Heritage (Ingaara Creative Arts.)
  • Sylvestre NSENGIMANA, Founder and Director Of Umut Arts Ltd.
  • Jimmy MUGUNGA, Manager Jimmy House Of Fashion- Fashion Contest Online Project
  • Neza SHEMSA, Visual Artist / Paint & Sip Franchise Project.
  • Jean Paul KAYUMBA, Centre For Multimedia Heritage - Iriba.
  • Sonia UWIMBABAZI, Artist - Cultural Entrepreneur - Founder of S&S Kigali Des Arts Creatifs (Art Center For Children Project),
  • Ferdinand MUHEZERO, Cultural Promoter - Traditional dance coach
  • Jacqueline MUREKEYISONI, Chair Of Cinefemmes Rwanda
  • Floriane KANEZA, Director of URUSARO International Women Film Festival
  • Marie Epiphanie UWAYEZU, Producer and Director of Ejo Cine Production House
  • Paul SEMIVUMBI, Artist / Umugani Project (2d, 3d Animated Films)
  • Clinton BAYINGANA, Event organiser at Positive Production
  • Michael Patrick MIVUMBI, Programme Manager, Rwanda Art Initiative (RAI)
  • Frank MUGISHA, Dance Festival Manager.
  • Alain Pierre SABINEZA, Dancer, writer, performer and finance officer.

To manage and facilitate the various training modules, a team of international experts and supported by local experts. Two main trainersboth recognised Unesco experts, have been selected for the first phase of virtual training covering the period from 15 October to 26 November 2020.

April Joffe (South Africa) is director of the Johannesburg-based company Creativity, Avril Joffe. Her areas of expertise are research, education and training on cultural policy, human resource strategies, creative industries, entrepreneurship and management. She is currently Head of Cultural Policy and Management at the School of the Arts, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa.

Lidia Varbanova ( Bulgaria - Canada) has professional experience as a consultant, educator and researcher in over 60 countries. Her expertise focuses on strategy, entrepreneurship, innovation, organisational development and technology in the arts, culture and creative industries. She also teaches in master's programmes in Casablanca, Helsinki and Belgrade. She is an external evaluator for several European Commission programmes and a member of the UNESCO Pool Centre of Experts for the implementation of the 2005 Convention on Cultural Diversity.

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First phase of training under the Cultural Management Programme in Rwanda, launched by Africalia

From local professionals will be used to share local experience and expertise.

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