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Creative Photography Masterclass 

Creative photography

Few photography schools exist in Africa. In response to this situation, Africalia has organised a masterclass on Creative Photography, with the aim of building the capacity of African photographers to take pictures that express their identity and their ideas. Creative photography goes against the negative media coverage of African difficulties. It presents a new perspective, arouses public interest and challenges the public.

La Creative Photography" masterclass took place from 13 to 17 February 2017 in Dakar.

Ina Thiam photo masterclass
Ina Thiam photo masterclass
In all, more than 85 applications were received. Of these, 15 promising photographers were selected to take part in the masterclass. They were chosen on the basis of their motivation, their background, their technical level, their photographic point of view and the diversity of their portfolio. The group also included several women.

These 15 participants already have some experience in photography, but this course was a springboard for them to develop both technically and in terms of content, with a view to responding to commissions.
These young photographers come from various sub-Saharan African countries where Africalia is active, namely Burkina Faso, Burundi, the DRC and Senegal.

These young photographers come from various sub-Saharan African countries where Africalia is active, namely Burkina Faso, Burundi, the DRC and Senegal.

See photos of the participants:

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