Africalia exchanges views on the development of the cultural sector at the FOMICC in Morocco

Panel at FOMICC

From December 4th to 8th 2024, the second edition of the Forum Marocain des Industries Culturelles et Créatives (Moroccan Forum of Cultural and Creative Industries, FOMICC) was held in Rabat, backed by the Fondation Hiba.

FOMICC, an opportunity to exchange ideas

The FOMICC is an initiative launched by the Fondation Hiba and was held for the first time in 2023. It aims to explore the opportunities and challenges for the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) in Morocco in order to support them in their professionalisation and structuring. The inclusive and open framework of the Forum allows participants to engage in dialogue on various themes relating to the future of the CCI sector, both on national and international scale. By recognising how CCIs generate wealth and create sustainable employment, the FOMICC conveys a message that fully corresponds to Africalia’s vision.

Africalia and its partners participate

Africalia was present at the FOMICC as a partner. Thanks to its support for mobility and networking, six of Africalia’s partners coming from Burkina Faso, the DRC, and Burundi, attended the Forum to strengthen their network and exchange ideas.

They were: Freddy Sabimbona from Buja Sans Tabou in Burundi, Israël Tshipamba from Tarmac des Auteurs and Olivier Maloba from Groupe TACCEMS in the DRC, and David Ouedraogo from Plateforme Culturelle de Burkina Faso (PCBF) and Sanfo Salif from their member, Association Benkadi pour la Culture et le Développement durable, in Burkina Faso. The sixth grantee, Claude Guingane, director of Espace Culturel Gambidi in Ouagadougou – also a member of the PCBF – was able to present his own observations during a panel discussion on cultural neighbourhoods as levers for regional dynamism.

On top of that, Dorine Rurashitse, Managing Director of Africalia, took part in a panel discussion on financing cultural projects entitled ‘Quels leviers pour faciliter l’accès au financement des projets culturels?’ (What levers can be used to facilitate access to funding for cultural projects?), alongside representatives of the French Development Agency and the International Finance Coproration, a member of the World Bank Group. Our Managing Director was able to share Africalia’s expertise. The panellists discussed different funding models available for cultural projects, such as the involvement of the private sector, and analysed the potential obstacles faced by creators in accessing this funding. The discussion identified possible approaches to ensuring the sustainable development of the CCI sector.

The Fondation Hiba

Over the last four years, Africalia has collaborated with the Fondation Hiba on several occasions (Burundi, Burkina Faso, Morocco), an organisation we share our values and principles with. This partnership will only grow stronger in the future.

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