Africalia in Dakar. Arts and development: strengthening the link between arts and development to make modern crises easier to understand

with BF and RDC partners

From 27 to 30 May in Dakar, La Ferdi, through the Institut des Hautes Etudes du Développement Durable (IHEDD) and the AFD campus, organised a workshop on art and development to enhance understanding of the modern crises facing our societies. 

At the invitation of the Direction de la Ferdi (IHEDD), Africalia Director Dorine Rurashitse took part in this workshop, accompanied by our partners from Burkina Faso, the DRC and Guinea Conakry. She took part in the session dedicated to assessing the impact of cultural projects, such as those that our organisation implements in partnership with our partners in Africa, a particular challenge in crisis situations. 

The workshop had a number of aims, including bringing artists, researchers and professionals from the development and cultural and creative industries together to discuss the subject of crisis; highlighting the role of the arts in making modern crises easier to understand, and encouraging those involved in development to incorporate art into their understanding of and actions in crisis situations; and encouraging cultural and development operators to explore their approach to the meaning of their actions, in the light of the issues associated with crises. 

Group photo of workshop participants

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