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Yandé Codou, Senghor's griot


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The singer Yande Codou Sène was one of the last mohicans of Serer polyphonic poetry. "Yandé Codou, la griotte de Senghor" takes an intimate look at a diva who lived through Senegal's history alongside one of its greatest myths, the poet and President Léopold Sédar Senghor. A bitter-sweet story of greatness, glory and decline.

Africalia Productions Collection [Doku]

Presentation by director Angèle Diabang

Born in Senegal in 1979 and trained at the Media Centre in Dakar and at the Fémis film school in Paris, Angèle Diabang worked as an editor for several productions before directing her first film, "Mon beau sourire", in 2005, about a West African female tradition, gum tattooing. She has since taken part in a number of international writing and directing workshops, including Eurodoc.
Particularly interested in questions of transmission and tradition, she set up the production company Karoninka in 2006 to have, she says, the freedom to choose the worlds she wants to explore.

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Price: €16.00

Technical data

Length: 52' / Language: French-Wolof / Subtitles: Dutch-English-Spanish / Year of production: 2011 / Producer: Angèle Diabang / Co-producers: Karoninka-Africalia / Director: Angèle Diabang / Script: Angèle Diabang / Cameras: Florient Boucher-Fabacary Assymby Coly / Editing: Yannik Leroy / Sound: Mouhamet Thior / Mixing: Damien Defays / Music: © Yandé Codou Sène, © Wasis Diop, © Youssou N'Dour Documentary / Documentary voice: Angèle Diabang

Additional information

Weight 112 g

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